The world we live in is constantly changing, be it for the good or bad. With the extensive use of social media, it is nearly impossible not to notice the plethora of feeds telling us to save the polar bear and walk or cycle rather than fly or drive! Thinking about this sensitive issue of global warming and eco-sensitivity lead me to think about a performance which outlines the importance of looking after ‘mother earth’ whilst at the same time pointing out that washing jam jars before their recycle collection is at the most, very unnecessary and a waste of time and water if anything.
However, global warming and the ecosystem are very touchy subjects for today’s society and therefore, if I wanted to create a solo piece of theatre I would have to consider both sides of the eco-political argument. As not to seem like the performance poked fun at some and then welcomed others. After all, the aim of my idea [at this point] is to open peoples opinions about the ecosystem, recycling and taking care of our ‘home’.
My original idea focussed around myself on a bike, pedalling frantically whilst discussing issues, comments and opinions which all related to the issues I have outlined above. Although the bike would remain stationary, it would be placed on a rolling wheel frame; this would allow the back wheel to move when pedalled, as it would ordinary. Situated on the rear wheel would be a bicycle dynamo or generator, this would be powered when I pedalled and would transfer its energy to a Lego city filled with small light bulbs. Thus, my own energy would be transferred to light this metaphorical city, therefore I would be re-‘cycling’.
I have toyed with the idea of trying to hook up other appliances to the bike. For example, I came across a bicycle with a blender fitted to the back wheel. However, this idea is still in the development process, as I haven’t fully come to terms with this idea yet and would also like to explore other angles of performance before I solidify a specific idea.
Moving back to the performance, I would be situated in a studio whilst enveloped by white sheets, which would have projected images or videos on them. Thus creating a world for the performance itself and allowing me to add extra information to the performance to help solidify my opinions and information for the audience.
Either, before, during or after the performance [I haven’t thought yet] would play Fleetwood Mac’s “Don’t Stop” as the lyrics [i feel] fit quite reasonably with the themes of the piece, also, i quite like the song and feel it would give an uplifting feeling for the audience. just before they get their opinions and thoughts torn apart by my realist ideas about the world and our situation within society.